Monday, January 10, 2011

I Love College.

Today we heard from Sean Lennon of Study Australia.  He and his business partner built from the ground up an international study abroad program.  Their goal is to engage students in studying abroad foreign countries such as Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, and other parts of Southeast Asia.  University education can be considered an export because it is a service provided by a country.  The country that provides the service makes money from it.  Australia’s higher education sector is the third largest export in the nation only behind mining and tourism.  Foreign student tuition makes up about 25% of the education system’s budget (Chronicle).  Though Australia makes most of its money exporting education to students who choose to study abroad for a full semester, a year, or maybe even a couple, by taking this class I am contributing to Australia’s economy and increasing their education exports.     
Recently, the education sector has been challenged by the increasing strength of the Australian dollar.  This makes studying abroad in Australia less appealing to American and some European students.  Affordability is a main concern when students consider studying abroad.  Higher education costs in America are rising Another major concern students have is safety.  In recent news, two Indian boys were attacked.  This has caused major concern to India, but also to countries that have students wanting to study abroad. 
 Out of Australia’s 39 Universities, there are only two private universities that exist in Australia—Notre Dame and Bond University.  In the United States private institutions, such as Augustana, are not funded by the government.  They are usually small, have good academic reputations, and affiliated with a church.  In Australia, where religion is a less predominant institution, there are only two universities affiliated with churches.  The government still funds these universities, because they would not survive without the help.  Like other universities in Australia, Notre Dame and Bond University receive money, land, and research grants from the government.       

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